Eco Resolutions for a Greener 2016

Eco Resolutions for a Greener 2016 - In2Green

It’s easy to think of individual efforts towards a more sustainable world as too small to confront the very big problem of climate change. Yet, the collective efforts of many could grow into something just big enough to make a difference. So we’ve decided to ring in the New Year with some Eco Resolutions and hope that you’ll do the same. Here are a couple of resolution suggestions we’d like to share:

1. Greener Home

Switch out traditional light bulbs for CFLs to cut down on energy use, explore renewable energy options for the home, unplug chargers and electronics when you’re not using them (even if they are off they are still drawing electric current!), and switch out noxious cleaning products for greener or homemade versions. Also try to use dishcloths as an alternative to paper towels to help reduce the 3,000 tons of paper towels that get tossed into landfills each day. And as far as home décor goes, upcycled furniture and home accessories has become a new and trendy way to render any space more eco-conscious. Textiles made with recycled yarns or organic fibers also provide an excellent way to make your home greener by reducing landfill waste and pesticide use. In2green does exactly that to create our eco knit throws and apparel. 

2. Greener Style

The fashion industry is the second most polluting industry  next to oil, and thus, choosing next season’s wardrobe could be another way to make for a greener 2016. Many large fashion retailers outsource to developing countries where companies can avoid strict production, and safety and emission regulations. We advise shopping from more eco-conscious fashion brands and companies that produce locally or work with villages to source handmade textiles, use recycled or natural materials (that are also certified organic), or repurpose surplus fabrics. We also advise buying from local artisans or vintage shopping. Here is an excellent shopping guide to chic ethical fashion labels:

3. Greener You

Examine the many dimensions of your personal life: Food, Exercise, & Personal Care products. Shop at local farmers markets (with reusable totes) to support local agriculture and reduce your consumption of pesticide and GMO ridden produce. LocalHarvest is a wonderful site that helps you find the freshest produce, farmers markets, and CSAs in your area. Also try to cut out as much meat out of your diet as you can—cutting out meat for just two days a week can reduce your carbon footprint by a third of a ton! Resolve to take a few less car trips– walk or bike your errands to reduce your carbon footprint and improve your own physical health. Finally, invest in converting over your beauty products over to more environmentally-friendly versions. The EWG (Environmental Working Group) has made it their mission to protect consumers and promote environmental health. They have a list of personal care products that they have certified as safe and environmentally friendly.