Feeling a bit cross?

Feeling a bit cross? - In2Green

cross eco friendly blue throwIn2green Spring Cross

Cross your t’s and dot your ‘i’s for what has become the new “it” design in contemporary design and fashion—the cross. While some might say that it has already been trending for a few seasons, it doesn’t seem to stop anytime soon (nor do we want it too!).

colorful Spring eco friendly throws

So last year, we decided on the Swiss cross as the perfect après ski eco throw—fireside snuggling and afternoon beers on the lodge deck just needed a little something else. Once very much at home in a mountain chalet, the cross re-surfaced this season for those warmer and sunnier climates as well, in bright corals, sea foams, and muted grays. Whether on the beach or on the slopes, you can definitely cross one necessary item off your list! Find it.

light blue spring eco throw