In2green wins Icon Honors for Best New Product Innovation

In2green wins Icon Honors for Best New Product Innovation - In2Green

eco friendly American flag throw

This summer could not have been made any more special than by receiving an Icon Honors Award for “Best New Product Innovation of 2016”! The Icon Honors, produced by AmericasMart Atlanta, recognizes companies and brands that stand out in the home and eco gifts industry, and celebrates global innovation. We were recognized specifically for our indoor/outdoor collection of polyester throws made from post-consumer recycled plastic bottles (approximately 78 bottles each!). This conscious manufacturing process offsets the need for new crude oil and in turn, conserves precious natural resources and energy. Finalists had a video produced for them– check out ours here.

eco poly throw blanketsIn2green Eco Poly Throws

With over a thousand guests in attendance at the historic Fox Theater in Atlanta, the Icon Honors was an extraordinary opportunity for us to share and celebrate our story. In2green Co-founders Lori Slater and Stefanie Zeldin were thrilled to receive this honor for being at the forefront of innovative design, and for their steadfast commitment to creating luxury, sustainable products made in the U.S.A.

In2green Icon Honors 2016Icon Honors 2016

Receiving the Icon Honors award further supports our eco efforts and sheds light on how important it is to always push the limits and develop products that respect and preserve the environment we live in. We hope to recycle more than 100,000 bottles within the first year!

In2green at Icon HonorsIcon Honors at the Fox Theater, Atlanta