Everyone is looking to capture that authentic experience, and take inspiration from something bigger than themselves.
At in2Green, we have looked outward for inspiration for this year’s line, drawing from artists, designers and makers across time and borders. In doing so, we’ve learned about artisanal processes for all walks of traditional textiles – from mud drying in the sun to dip dying in deep jewel-toned pigments. Time and time again along our journey, we have been struck by the different communities’ influence on – and role in – creating these fabrics. We want to wrap ourselves in art, design and be comforted by the tribes of people that have stood before us, sometimes in places far removed from our everyday. The textiles incorporate symbols and markings which represent clan; secret codes are passed down from mother to daughter through patterns; and village rituals surrounding the textile fabrication can be as elaborate as the motifs themselves.
In our Spring/Summer 2018 collection, we have used these globally-sourced designs as a mirror with which to carefully consider our own community, and how we want it to be involved in the design and creation of our throws. We intuitively knew that we wanted them to be made locally and responsibly, knit with a quality which will allow them to become heirlooms passed down from mother to daughter, with designs that inspire us in a real way. That is how we arrived at a soft, recycled materials – crafted right here in the U.S. and three new globally inspired graphic patterns.
Folk-Inspired Sustainable Throws
We are proud to highlight what is most special about three of our folk-inspired designs in our current collection: Digital Ombre Recycled Cotton, Digital Ombre Recycled Poly, Reversible Otomi, and Reversible Mudcloth.
Digital Ombre: Traditional ombre techniques are very hard on the environment, because they use a very intensive water and dye process. Whereas our digital process requires no dyeing and features the melange colorations only possible through recycled materials. With our super supple sweater weave – going green never felt so good. Now available in cotton as well as our indoor/outdoor poly.
Otomi: Our graphic bohemian throw is inspired by both the ethos and the aesthetics of the American-Indian Otomi people of south-central Mexico. The fabric is sourced from recycled cotton, and the design draws from the culture’s close connection to nature. Available in 7 bold colors, this blanket will add the right spirit to any space. Image courtesy.
Mudcloth: The seemingly simple designs on genuine mudcloth embed secret meanings known only to those in ancient communities, and this language of the cloth was traditionally passed down through generations. Our modern take on the heirloom textile is not made from patterned mud drying in the sun for a week, but rather, on digital knitting machines, using the highest quality cotton that has been upcycled from t-shirt cuttings. The fabric still speaks to the ethos of a community – our community – of women committed to sustainability, design, and sometimes, yes, sitting out in the sun. Image courtesy.